Monday, November 22, 2010

Rowan of Rin

What were Rowan's qualities that made him the "bravest heart?" Do you think Rowan was changed by his journey? Did the perceptions the other villagers had about Rowan change? How did Rowan change?  Did the others change as well?

Wednesday, November 17, 2010


Here is another cover for the book Superfudge.  How does this change the way you think about the book?  Does it change your perception of the character Fudge?  Write a paragraph describing Fudge like he was one of your friends.  What type of person is he?  In your second paragraph, talk about why his character is one that readers for decades have attached to and made connections with.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Woodsong's Original Cover
 Woodsong is a book about survival and the Great North.  I have always found books about Arctic areas fascinating and I am also very interested in stories of survival and in particular the relationship that humans develop with nature, especially animals, in order to beat the odds and survive in inclimate situations.

What was your thought on the book?